The History Of The Grotto

The Mystic Order of Veiled Prophets of the Enchanted Realm, whose subordinate bodies are the Grottoes, is an organization by and for Master Masons. While not connected with Masonry proper, its membership is restricted absolutely and exclusively to Master Masons in good standing. Although it is primarily an organization for good wholesome fun and frolic, it also has its serious side. Its slogan is GOOD FELLOWSHIP, and in contact with our fellowman, this principle is exemplified to a marked degree.

For some years prior to 1889, several members of Hamilton Lodge N0. 120, F.&A.M., at Hamilton, New York, sought relaxation from the sterner duties of life by holding occasional informal meetings for fun and good fellowship. The chief spirit in the fun was Leroy Fairchild, and in the summer of 1889, he and a devoted band of followers discovered the Enchanted Realm in which, upon entering with song and laughter, they and their successors found a rich heritage. The first meeting of this organization was held on the 10th day of September, 1889. It was decided at this meeting that the membership of the organization should be confined to Master Masons in good standing.

Some Of The Many Privileges Of Being A Grotto Member

The requirements for membership in the Order of Veiled Prophets is that a man must first be a Master Mason in good standing, and that he must continue to maintain his good standing in the Blue Lodge in order to retain his standing in the Order. In no way does the Grotto infringe upon the rights and ceremonies of Masonry or of any other Order.
  • An open sesame for fun and a fuller life for the whole family, including enjoyment of beautiful ceremonials, installations, family picnics, pilgrimages to near and far places, football and baseball games, plus big parades.
  • The opportunity to meet with your fellow Prophets – many of whom are professional, business, and civic leaders – and to make lasting friendships.
  • Being a Grotto member enables you the opportunity of sharing in our great humanitarian project of Dental Care for Children with Special Needs.
  • Every Master Mason, because he is eligible to become a member of the Grotto, can join in the humanitarian work which the Grotto is so fervently sponsoring.
  • The right to associate yourself with other Grottoes – one of which is near your home. To participate in such social affairs as theatre parties, dinner dances, nights at the races, sweetheart dances, and local functions.
  • The right to wear the Grotto Fez and Grotto Pin, identifying yourself as a member of the Mystic Order of Veiled Prophets of the Enchanted Realm – also known as the Grottoes of North America – the greatest fraternal order a Master Mason can join.

Samis Grotto History

On December, 1910, four young men of Richmond, Frank W. Cunninghrun, City Collector, E. Craige Pelouze, a master printer, Frank T. Sutton, Jr., a young attorney, and Carl J. Rostrup, an artist, had just attended a meeting of their BluP-Lodge, and gathered together at the close of the meeting, were reminiscing of the “good old days”, when the conversation turned to discussion of a proposed visit to a Blue Lodge meeting in Washington, and, elated over the prospect of visiting the Nation’s Capital, these Brethren decided to make the trip.

It was at the Washington meeting that they met Brother Edward Schmidt, who extended to them a cordial invitation to join the Grotto, known as “Kallipolis” They had never heard of a ”Grotto”, but Schmidt’s glowing description of the Mystic Order of Veiled Prophets of the Enchanted Realm, the Goodfellowship it offered, the fun-loving spirit of the organization, the real playground it was for the Blue Lodge Mason,.
interested them very much, and when he further explained the Order’s humanitarian objectives, they decided to wait over until the next day and become Neophytes.

These candidates, all bravery and belief, ready to join the standard of the Great Mokanna, were placed in proper position to witness a wonderful phantasmagoria of scene and action. It is reported Kallipolis presented a grand ceremonial and our four young Richmonders emerged as full-fledged Prophets.

Thrilled at what they had witnessed, and realizing it possessed a boundless field of its own, where fun and fantasy revel in joyous freedom, uncontrolled except by the precepts that should ever guide a Mason in his walk throuh life, the new and enthusiastic Prophets returned home, where they gathered on the Post Office steps and greeted every Master Mason with a new light and understanding. They were so enthusiastic about the new Order, they applied to the Supreme Council for a Richmond Grotto Charter.

Early in 1911, the Supreme Council granted a Dispensation for a Grotto to be organized in Richmond, designating as its officers our four young men, Frank W. Cunningham, Monarch, Frank T. Sutton, Jr., Chief Justice, E. Craige Pelouze, Master of Ceremonies., and Carl J. Rostrup, Venerable Prophet. On September 26th. of the same year, “SAMIS” Grotto was granted its charter, and became a member of the Supreme Council.

Mission Statement

Grottoes International is a charitable organization, dedicated to promoting Goodfellowship, Friendship, and fun amongst Master Masons.